Thursday, September 6, 2007

Second Life

Today in my ICT class the teacher made us research the 3d world of Second Life. From what i gathered Second Life is basically a 3d virtual world where people can create accounts and make avatars that can resemble themselves or a person that they wish to be. It is a simulation of real life. This "game" has been around since 2003 and has grown exponentially throughout the years.

This game features many different aspects such as a customizable avatar, world economy, and virtual dollars. Those virtual dollars are called "Linden Dollars" which have a fluctuating exchange rate to US dollars. Currently, the exchange rate is that one US Dollar ($US) can be converted to 270 Linden Dollars ($L). While Second Life is sometimes referred to as a game, this description is disputed. It does not have points, scores, winners or losers, levels, an end-strategy, or most of the other characteristics of games. Although, it can be thought of as a game on a more basic level. It is a virtual environment where characters undertake activities for the purpose of enjoyment.

In my opinion, i think that Second Life is a good way to meet people all over the world, although sometimes the people you meet might not be who they say they are.

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